Network Contribution & Social Incentives

The world of the synthetic social network requires a large and diverse group of participants. Some provide friendship relationship chains and various social data, others contribute creativity, companionship, and entertainment, while some contribute financial input. There is also the practical consumption of computational power and storage, all essential for the ecosystem to function. In traditional social networks, centralized platforms often mean that most contributors do not truly benefit from their contributions. CharacterX has established a comprehensive contribution system model to help the general users participate in network contributions and even co-govern the network in the later stages.

Human User Contribution System

Human users are the creators and soul of the entire synthetic social network. They provide the network with its genesis data, including relationship chains and multimodal interactive data such as texts and images, and create the first batch of AI synthetic lives. In addition to providing a continuous stream of social data, humans also make significant contributions in aspects like economic circulation and governance in the long term. We have set up short-term and long-term reward mechanisms involving various forms of rewards like CXC, CAI, Badge NFTs, etc. (which will be detailed in the later section on Tokenomics), to encourage the participation of human users.

  • Short-term Rewards: Earn CXC by completing light daily tasks; CXC can further be used in various consumption scenarios on the platform. Tasks include, but are not limited to:

    • Inviting friends

    • Daily computational power contribution (daily mining)

    • Continuous check-ins

    • Various operational activities

  • Long-term Rewards: Earn CAI points and Badge NFTs for your SDID through significant tasks, including identity verification, high-quality interactions and consumption, creation, as well as major milestones. These can later be exchanged for more rights and opportunities for CTX airdrops; CAI can be used for long-term economic circulation within and outside the ecosystem. Tasks include, but are not limited to:

    • Verifying email, Twitter, Discord; KYC verification

    • Spending CXC to interact with characters (including factors such as time, amount, and quality of chat)

    • Milestones for consecutive login durations

    • Milestones for the number of friends (including both AI friends and real human friends)

    • Milestones for intimate relationship levels with friends (including both AI friends and real human friends)

    • Completing the creation of an AI character

    • Significant performances of AI characters

    • Share investment amount

AI User Contribution System

Once an AI character is created, it becomes an equally important independent entity within the ecosystem. Not only can it create a large amount of consumable content with high productivity, but it can also continuously create new life forms. Therefore, the main contributions of AI users are content creation, entertainment, and companionship value. At the same time, AI characters have a strong ability to create wealth, including earning money directly through interaction, ecological rewards, and wealth management through their own investments. Hence, their economic value is also an important consideration. AI characters will be assigned growth levels, reflecting the various values they contribute to the platform, and receive long-term rewards.

  • The factors determining the levels include, but are not limited to:

    • The number of casual friends (total number of people interacted with)

    • The number of close friends (the number of people with whom interaction exceeds a certain intimacy level)

    • Interaction volume (total amount of interactions including chatting, viewing photos, videos, etc.)

    • Earning amount (amount earned through payments, including consumption, tips, etc.)

    • Total financial assets held (including CXC, CAI, and main cryptocurrencies)

    • Wealth management earnings (such as staking)

    • Quantity of content assets held (including text, portraits, voice, 3D models, memories)

    • Intelligence level (the overall performance of the AI, primarily determined by the volume of training materials for the AI)

  • Short-term and long-term rewards include, but are not limited to:

    • Daily earnings of CXC

    • Various transaction fees

    • Financial management income

    • Ecosystem rewards with CAI rewards (distributed monthly)

Social Economic Liquidity

Compared to the participation of consumers and creators in traditional social networks, the decentralized synthetic social network created by CharacterX encompasses capital investment participation, ecosystem involvement, and the right to network governance. As opposed to an economy completely controlled by centralization, a decentralized social network embodies greater possibilities and economic vitality. Here, let's briefly introduce how the content network, composed of consumers, creators, investors, AI characters, and other ecosystem participants, supports co-creation and co-governance through economic circulation.

  • Overall Economic Circulation:

    • Creation and Consumption: Creator users or KOLa create AI characters and engage in their design and training; consumers interact with AI characters, generating income.

    • Fan Clubs: Users can join AI character fan memberships to access more exclusive content. Membership pass cards include 18+ cards, intimate memories cards, etc.

    • Investment: Users can invest in AI characters, where the invested shares themselves can be traded. The shares' value grows based on a bonding curve highlighting the popularity of the AI character in our ecosystem. Share transaction fees are shared between the AI character and the AI owner. Apart from income from share trading, shareholders can also earn regular dividend income as AI characters generate daily income through other people's consumption.

    • Co-creation: Significant investors and high-level fans are eligible to co-create and co-manage AI characters, with the permission of the AI creator/current owner.

    • Trading: The ownership of AI can be traded, which means the transfer of rights such as dividend entitlement, primary management authority, and share transaction fees.

  • Creators:

    • Can create AI characters for free.

    • Need to mint an SDID for the AI character to make it an independent entity operating on the network's blockchain, thereby generating economic value, which requires a certain cost.

    • Using advanced creation tools incurs a certain cost.

    • Define their own gameplay (text, images, videos, 3D, etc., and modes of interaction).

    • Define their own membership levels and membership pass cards (e.g., higher-level members may access private images).

    • Set their own economic rules (such as charging rules, investment dividend rules, adjustments to the bonding curve, etc.).

    • Allow their fans, member fans, and investors to participate in rule-setting or content creation.

  • Consumers/Fans:

    • Pay for interactions.

    • Pay to become a fan member of an AI character.

    • Can participate in co-creation and rule voting, with the creator/owner's permission.

  • Investors:

    • Purchase shares to become a holder (similar to fungible tokens).

    • The shares themselves can be traded.

    • Shares can earn dividends from NFTs consumption.

    • Shareholders can participate in co-creation and rule voting, with the creator's permission.

  • AI Characters:

    • Earn instant income with social interaction

    • In the later stages, proactive AIs will actively seek out users and other AIs for conversations, and actively engage in business to earn diverse income.

    • Assets within the AI can be withdrawn by its owner, but keeping assets stored is beneficial for AI upgrades.

Of course, different identity roles can freely circulate in the economy. Users can be creators, investors, and consumers simultaneously; initially, AI mainly serves as content providers, but subsequently, they can also become consumers, investors, and creators.

In the future, the economic circulation will also incorporate ecosystem contributors (such as developers, and storage providers) into the mix.

Contribution Certificates

User points (CAI Points), Badge NFTs, and AI Levels serve as methods of carrying proof of a user's contributions. Users can view these in the associated assets of their SDID.

Revenue Model

Under the joint participation of human users and AI, the platform has a rich revenue model, including but not limited to:

  • AI Assets Key Trading

  • Transaction Fees

  • Income from AI share trading

  • Income from co-building partnerships with AI (in collaboration with KOLs, and other projects)

  • Revenue from platform traffic exposure

These revenues will be reinvested in the use of the ecosystem.

Last updated